“ Time of Day “

Written by: Morgan Cryar & Chuck White

Music & vocal: Morgan Cryar

Acoustic guitar: Zack White

Video: John roe, Stephen Smith

Editor: Chapin White

Blind Faith


Mike Grace’s life is truly an inspiration for the fans that once sat in the stands and the ones that now sit by his side.
My niece, April, his step-daughter, has observed him long enough to know his life’s journey was worthy of a song. After meeting him recently myself, I tend to wholeheartedly agree.

From your biggest fan (April) through your newest fan (me), Mike, this song’s for you.


Merry Christmas In Heaven

This song was written for my Dear sister Mary who entered the kingdom of Heaven right on time but much to soon for us all.

Mary embodied the essence of Family, and the Celebration of Christmas. Our wonderful memories are eternal .

Buried deep

Like so many, I grew up in the shadow of generational sin which can only be broken through the power and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

And sometimes, those dark shadows still rumble and we must keep taking them back to the foot of the cross. 

That is what I hope to accomplish with this song - bring my past into the light so others can face their own pain with God given courage.

Dad, you also brought a lot of great things to my life and I forgive you for whatever demons haunted and were passed down to you long ago.


This song was written for my mom, Barb. 

Her father, my Grandpa Chapin,  was a World War II marine. Her mother, my Grandma Chapin, served at home raising my mother and aunt. She helped make ends meet during those hard times by working at the local bar.

I have never seen bigger hearts than the ones who proudly took me to every veteran’s hall. They taught me how to love God, my family and my country and always hold our military in the highest regard

Small houses full of love, warmth, kind words and patriotism are what this great country is built on.

Mom, this is for you. You, too, have truly overserved us all with love.


TAKE this away

SINGLE — 2020


AVI baby

SINGLE — 2019


Just Like THem

SINGLE - 2019


KISSEs from heaven

Mary was a big fan of her brother Chuck and his music. She was a very big part of he and his family’s lives. This song was written by attempting to imagine her perspective when she came to realize that her time on Earth would be cut short. No words could even come close to describing what a joy she was to all of us or how deeply the pain of her leaving us hurts. Mary knew Jesus and we will see her again, but for now we will be looking for her kisses from heaven. (August 9, 1963 – January 12, 2017)


Joey’s Song

SINGLE — 2019

Canadian Mist

SINGLE - 2014


Her mother and i

SINGLE - 2019


Back home to you

SINGLE — 2020


CHristmas remembers

SINGLE — 2019


Grave Yard Shift

SINGLE - 2019


Hell in the morning

SINGLE — 2020



SINGLE — 2019


Road To Nowhere

SINGLE - 2019


When I’m Gone

SINGLE — 2020


Where did all the time go?

SINGLE — 2019


Why not

SINGLE - 2019


warm heart

SINGLE — 2020


Drown our sorrows

SINGLE — 2019


Never Drink again

SINGLE - 2019


Don’t Feel Pity For me

Inspired by the courage of U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar of the 3rd Battalion 5th Marine Regiment from Lake Orion, Michigan, Chuck White, along with Morgan Cryar, an accomplished musician from Nashville, Tennessee, felt compelled to write this song.

With video assistance from Bruce Spike, Joseph Brancik, Bill Morgan, and everyone at Armstrong White, this piece of work serves as a testament that Raymond’s incessant fight for freedom will live on.


He’s Still My Dad

I want to give a special thank you to my father-in-law, Warren Bliss, for all the times he would secretly go and visit my dad in the hospital and give him hope. Warren would pray with my dad and tell him how much Jesus loved him, and if he asked for forgiveness, God would forgive him. My dad would speak of his visits. The last one made my dad cry, and I knew he had asked Jesus into his heart. For that, Warren, you’re a Godly Servant and I am eternally grateful. - Chuck


Dear Brothers

It is with trembling hands and a bowed heart that we present this song to Cliff and Vicki Schrauger, two fellow believers who have been called to live out their faith through an unspeakable heartbreak, the loss of their two young sons, Josh and Timmy.

In response to this tragedy, God has stirred up tremendous, uncontainable compassion in the community towards this dear family. If you have given in prayer, in kind words, in monetary comfort or in tears, thank you and God bless you in all the days and years to come.

This song is dedicated to Josh and Timmy Schrauger.

May you rest in peace, dear brothers.

God Bless,
Pastor Tom, Chuck, and Morgan


Sound Of Freedom

SINGLE — 2020


That’s Just What You Do

This is dedicated to all the fighting heroes who serve with their very lives on behalf of all of us who love our freedom.

How can you help?



Wanna Work

SINGLE - 2019


Couldn’t Help But Look

SINGLE — 2020


Someone Like Me

SINGLE — 2019


Lyin’ Low In Detroit

I am sad to say this song was written after spending the night in a Detroit jail. One of the lessons learned was that there is no status, race, or religion when you’re behind bars, just an expensive lifetime membership to the devil’s country club called “shame”.


Bring Daddy Back Your HEart

This song was especially written for my baby girl, Kati Marie. When I wrote this, Kati was going on sixteen and I wanted her to always know that no matter what choices we make, good or bad, she could always count on me to help her go through life.

Kati, I love you forever. You’ve been such a great daughter.


Heaven’s Near

This song is how I feel whenever I’m with my children.They are more than wonderful. Having a boy made me realize how painful it must have been for God to sacrifice his only son, Jesus, so that we might have salvation. I cannot imagine giving up my only son.

Thank you, God, for my children.

I love you forever, Chapin.


Movers & Shakers

The harder I fought to be successful in business or as a husband and father the more I was reminded I’m a sinner and without God’s grace through his son Jesus, I am nothing at all.


Mr. Pike

I was one of those kids who had no church upbringing, so I would get on a bus with my sister and brother some Sundays, and it was in a Baptist church where I first invited Jesus into my heart at the age of eight years old.
Thank you to all the Baptist bus drivers who sacrifice their time each week for all the unsaved children.


Taeler’s Song

Taeler is my nephew. He is the closest to my own son and our family’s miracle. Taeler had leukemia at the age of four.
He is the strongest person I’ve ever met. Thank you, Jesus, for sparing his life.

I love you, Taeler.
Uncle Chuck


I Think of You

This song was inspired by my lovely wife and two children, Kati and Chapin.
It is in all the things I do that I think of you.
You three are my whole life.


What Goes around

I wrote this song upon realizing how the music business really works. It is a myth to think you drop off your CD at the local radio station to get “discovered.” The joke in Nashville is: “How do you kick a bass player off your porch? – You pay him for the pizza.” Nashville, look out! Here I come!


Hand Me Downs

I made a hunting knife for my brother one Christmas, and my sister wrote me a poem another Christmas. These gifts I remember the most. And working on a farm for free was the hardest job, yet most rewarding.
Life is more valuable when you have less and work harder.


Heroes Of September

On September 9, 2002, Tattoo Bob lead a group of over 60 bikers out of Oxford, Michigan on a mission to deliver over $30,000 to the families of Rescue Unit #2 in NYC.

It was an amazing & emotional event for everyone involved.

This song was written for all the "Heroes of September". Their courage has earned a place in our hearts forever.


Still Crazy About You

As crazy as life can be some days, I wouldn’t change mine for anything. I love my family. I hope it never gets too quiet.


Forever Gone

I lived through a very ugly divorce with Mom and Dad. This truly did make all of us choose sides at almost every holiday even years later. I miss my family when it was together and joyful.

I love you, Mom & Dad, together or apart.


WaY Back Home

This song was written from imagining losing my spouse. I’ve seen loved ones go through it and I fear the very thought of it.

“In Loving Memory of Lynn M. Bliss”.

I’m so proud of your faith and ability to stay busy. Warren, this is dedicated to you and lynn.
May she rest in peace.


The Bottom’s deep

Right when you think you’ve been as low as you can go, you can hit an even deeper bottom. This is where you’re as close to God and as far away from god all in the same echo.


I Choose you

This song is my personal favorite. The very thought of losing my wife would be a
sorrowful choice. I couldn’t live with that, so… I can’t live without you! I choose you, Nikki.

Forever, Me


Not the End

This is a whole lot of Morgan Cryar and a little bit of me. Lynn, we didn’t always see eye to eye except when it came to believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The way you persevered in your pain reminded me of Jesus. I was so proud of you to the very end. I miss you most on Christmas Eve and your surprise stocking stuffers. Until we meet again, I love you.
Lynn was taken by breast cancer and received into the arms of Jesus Christ Almighty.
In Loving Memory of Lynn M. Bliss.


About Goodbye

I had just dropped my daughter off early one school morning. She was in the 10th Grade.
I drove past a daycare center and saw a sharp mom in a BMW hustling out of the car to drop off her infant, and I pulled over to write this song.


Broken Lilacs

This song is in honor of my mother and all the pain she endured raising us four children. She had to battle an alcoholic husband yet still help us to
believe we had a purpose. I know even now we are what matters most to her.


One With You

This song was written for a friend named Patti, for her wedding day. Marriage can be hard and sometimes you’re both right and everything is still very wrong. My wife and I have been married for twenty-eight years. Without Christ, we would not still be together.


The Man I want to be

I loved my grandpa more than anything growing up. He never judged me and his life was a real struggle. His mom died when he was a boy and his father left the family. He was split up from his brothers for the rest of his life. He suffered through the great depression with his grandma. He knew hunger and pain. He was a true Marine.

Grandpa, I’ll see ya soon.
Love, Chuckie


Playing Church

I used to work with a man that was so proud to say he was a deacon of his church. I was about 23-24 and he was in his 60’s. He was cheap and conniving and would secretly go to seedy topless bars. This song was inspired by him and as a reminder to myself!


Never Forget

When our prayers get answered, we go on to the next problem and begin to worry all over again as if it’s doubtful God will come through. God, I’m sorry for always doubting Your greatness.


That’s My Boy

I was driving down the road with my son when he said, “Dad, I think I might join the army.” (He was 13.) He said, “Dad, why should some young men die for me, maybe they could use my help.”

I held back the tears until we got home. I began writing right away and thought, “Wow! That’s my boy.”

Chapin, I’m so proud of you. I love you.


THat’s My boy v2

SINGLE — 2019


Broken Believer

A friend at church asked me to pray for her son as the tears welled in her eyes.

She had lost one son in an accident and she couldn’t stand the thought of her other boy wandering away from the Jesus he once knew.

P.J., this song’s for you.
Love, Chuck and Nikki


There yet daddy?

We used to load the car up every summer and head North for a couple of weeks.
Dad, thank you for working so hard for me and the family and for all those summer vacations.

I love you.


Katrina Song Rise Up

Dedicated to all the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and the heroes that continue to come to their rescue.


Wealthy Man

I have had no money and for a brief moment, a lot of money, and there is no wealth without someone who truly loves you.

Honey, that’s you. I know you love me and I hope you know how much I love you.



ThE Empty Chair

I couldn’t help being overwhelmed by the thought of so many families being without their son or daughter and how every Christmas would only emphasize the pain.
God bless all of our men and women in uniform and the sacrifices they and their families make for our freedom.


Nobody Knows

Deb, I will forever feel helpless knowing we were under the same roof and I had no idea what pain you were suffering. I pray to God for your healing and I love you forever. - Chuckie


Letting You Go

Well, that time finally came to send my baby off to college. It was about 11:00 pm the night before and I was packing the truck in the dark when she walked under the garage light and I lost it! I couldn’t stop crying while she held me like I was the child. The next month there was an emptiness in our home that left a lump in my throat.
Kati, I miss you and I love you so very much.



SINGLE — 2020


Off Rogers Road

SINGLE — 2019


Just Hold On

SINGLE - 2019